Universal school of administration is an unique institution established with noble aims.
Imparting Knowledge, enriching academic strength, shaping the personality and gearing up our youth for future needs in serving this wonderful nation in different positions are some of them.
Department of History is a Dazzling gem in the Crown of this institution. In Tune with aims of our institution History department’s Vision and Mission has framed.


Our Vision is with a far sight from Local to Global levels. It has three Facets

  1. Academics:
    A Generation that ignores History has no past and no future.
    Imparting Historical knowledge with objectivity and emerging new trends in History.
  2. Research:
    Laying foundations for our History Department as Future hub of research activities in its different branches like epigraphy,
    Numismatics, Historical linguistics, Scientific Glory of our Ancient Past, Local Histories, Subaltern studies etc.
  3. Gearing up for the Future:
    To Transform Students as just not mere pass outs from the institution but also shaping their personality so as to serve our society in various positions.


We are not makers of History, we are made by History.

  • Martin Lutha King Jr.
    Historical Knowledge with Rationalism, Humanism and Scientific temperament makes Humans to live in a Peaceful society.
    With the above said as guiding force History Department’s mission as follows:
  1. Imparting Historical Knowledge with objectivity. Making them to understand critical, Analytical and Cross-Cultural study of
    History, past and present.
  2. Exposure of Students to various sources of Historical knowledge like:
    Visit to – Museums, Historical Sites, Educational Tours, Exhibitions
  3. Encouragement is given to students to participate in seminars, workshops, conferences, and Guest Lectures by eminent scholars.
  4. Making the students to understand their hoary past, present trends in History and Glorious opportunities in future.
  5. Inculcating the spirit of nationalism and Patriotism so as to serve our nation as future citizens of it.
    Department of History is not a forum for Confessional, apologetical or other Similar Concerns.